The Power of Creativity and Imagination at work and play…

Posts tagged ‘acting’

What exactly is Playology?

Welcome to Playology! My hope is that we are able to provide you ideas, activities, and options to spur not only your creative juices but to find a way to bring some fun into your life. Playology is all about play. Believe it or not, but there is actual scientific research into just how important play is to all aspects of your life.

So why should you listen to me? Well, I’ve been playing all my life. As a working adult, I’ve been an actor, educator, writer, and professional Bubble Maker (yes- a professional Bubble Maker!) In my line of work, I’ve seen first hand how important play and creativity are in life. I’ve taught children how to act like adults and adults how to act like children. As a parent, I get to spend all my free time watching my kids play and coming up with new ways to push play and creativity in the world.

So keep reading, and let me know what sort of “play” makes you excited!
